Rabbi's Corner

From the Desk of the Rabbi​

26 September 2024 / 23 Elul 5784

As we gather together on this solemn yet hopeful Shabbat before Rosh Hashanah, I am reminded of the interconnectedness of our actions and the world around us. Our world is a mirror, reflecting back the energy and vibrations we emit into the universe. When we sow goodness, kindness, and positivity, we create ripples of light that touch everything and everyone around us.

Scientific studies, such as those detailed in the book “The Miracle of Water,” have shown the impact of vibrations and energy on our surroundings. Just as water responds to positive or negative words and intentions, so too does our world respond to the energy we put out into it. Let us be mindful of the energy we carry within us and radiate out into the world, for it shapes the reality we experience.

“Middah k’neged middah,” — “measure for measure” or “like for like.” This principle suggests that GD created a world that operates in a way where our actions and intentions generate responses in kind from the world around us. As we can see from the T orah, for example “an eye for an eye” , there is a sense of equilibrium that must be restored. Indeed divine justice and balance in the Torah aligns with the idea that the vibrations we emanate through our thoughts, words, and deeds can and do influence our surroundings and experiences.

As we approach the culmination of the year, let us take this opportunity to end it with renewed faith, energy, and gratitude. Let us prepare our hearts and minds for Rosh Hashanah prayers, soaking in the beautiful expressions of gratitude, forgiveness, patience, godliness, and love they offer.

May this final Shabbat of 5785 be a time of reflection and renewal, bringing us closer to our Creator, ourselves, our families, and our community. Let us enter the new year, 5786, with a fresh perspective and a commitment to spreading light and positivity in all that we do.

Wishing you a Shabbat Shalom


Rabbi Naftali Silver