

When a member of our community becomes engaged, we joyfully mark the occasion on Shabbat morning with a special call-up for the engaged man or for the father or another male relative of the bride-to-be.

Prior to the wedding, the bride can partake in a “Shabbat Kallah”, where the family celebrates in the synagogue with special honours. Similarly, the groom participates in an Aliyah, being called to the Torah, alongside his relatives and Friends.

The week following the wedding, which is known as “Shabbat Hatan”, the newly wedded couple are treated like a Queen and King, as they join the community to welcome them as a couple, into the synagogue, community and the Jewish people. This is celebrated with a Bracha after the service. 

A wedding held at our Synagogue is an extraordinary event, renowned for its ambiance and atmosphere. Many families have entrusted us for generations with their wedding ceremonies. Our Rabbi personally meets with the couple to understand their love story, ceremony preferences, and offer guidance. Lesson’s are provided for the groom, while the Rubisa (Rebbetzin) instructs the bride. During the ceremony under the chuppah, the Rabbi delivers a heartfelt address. Our dedicated office staff assists in coordinating all arrangements and provides guidance on necessary paperwork, ensuring a seamless process for the couple.

View our Marriage Program

Hatan and Kallah Classes


Our aim is to provide an all-inclusive learning experience on Jewish Law (Halacha), Outlook and Guidance (Hashkafa), wedding day services and wedding customs, both general and specific to our Rhodesli Minhagim/Traditions. 


8 learning sessions, preferably done in 8 consecutive weeks. (depending on the availability of all involved.) 

Introduction to Marriage in Judaism:

  • An overview of the significance of marriage in the Torah and our history.
  • Discussion on the roles and responsibilities of a husband and wife.

Halacha; Laws and Customs before the wedding and for marriage:

  • Laws of Tzniut (modesty).
  • Overview of Taharat Hamishpacha (family purity) laws.
  • Customary practices done before the wedding day.

Halacha; Laws and Customs during the wedding and for marriage:

  • Understanding the Ketubah (marriage contract).
  • What is the Bedeken ceremony?
  • Steps and blessings of the Huppah ceremony.

Hashkafa; Building a Jewish Home, a Bayit Ne’eman B’Yisrael:

  • Values and principles of a Jewish home.
  • Communication and partnership in marriage.
  • Importance of Shalom Bayit (peace in the home).

Halacha; a more focused discussion on the laws and customs after the Wedding:

  • Taharat Hamishpacha practices after marriage.
  • Mutual respect and understanding in married life.
  • Planning for the future as a couple.

Wedding Day Services and Customs:

  • Detailed walkthrough of the wedding day.
  • Explanation of customs like the Seven Blessings, Talit, breaking the glass, and Yichud room.
  • The role family and friends play in the wedding celebrations.

Halacha; Life Together as a Married Couple:

  • Financial responsibilities and considerations.
  • Laws of Shabbat and Holidays for a married couple.
  • Mutual support and growth in a Jewish marriage.

Recap of past weeks and Q&A:

  • Review of key concepts and teachings.
  • Open discussion and Q&A for the Hatan and Kallah.

This lesson plan aims to equip our couples with the necessary knowledge and understanding of Halacha, Hashkafa, Sephardi traditions and wedding customs to help them build a strong foundation for a fulfilling and meaningful Jewish marriage and household.