Weekly Services

Shabbat Services

Our service is a lovely Sephardi Liturgy, with the sounds of the traditional tunes of the Rhodes community, and Sephardi minhagim (customs). On Friday night we enjoy a lively service mixing traditional and some modern tunes. A delicious and social Kiddush follows each Shabbat morning service.

Mincha, Kabbalat Shabbat & Arvit times are indicated weekly as they vary throughout the year. Shachrit begins at 8:30am until around 11:00am, after which we enjoy a lively communal Kiddush.

We call to the Torah and allocate other honours during the service to members, guests and visitors marking special occasions.

Our friendly Gabbai looks after these arrangements, working with the Rabbi and Hazzan and Executive. We announce and celebrate or commemorate each occasion from the Bimah. The Rabbi gives an informative and engaging sermon each week, and if we are marking a lifecycle event, such as a Bar or Bat Mitzvah, he addresses his remarks to the celebration and the family.

We are excited to announce our Zoomagogue sessions!

Join us every Friday at 4.30pm for our Kabbalat Shabbat sessions on Zoom.

We’d love to have you join us for Shabbat.

For visitors and non-members, please complete the form to let us know you’re joining us!

We’d love to have you join us for Shabbat.

For visitors and non-members, please complete the form to let us know you’re joining us!

Daily Services

Daily weekday Shacharit (morning) services begin at 6:45am. Please be aware that all weekday minyanim are confirmed via WhatsApp and only proceed when confirmation is received.

To join our weekday Shacharit, please click below to contact the Rabbi:

Shabbat Allegri

Join us once a month for Shabbat Allegri at the Sephardi Hebrew Congregation of Cape Town! It’s a special time when we gather to enjoy tasty food and good vibes together. You’ll love the delicious dishes we serve, from traditional favourites to modern treats. And it’s not just about the food – we also sing happy songs and enjoy each other’s company as we celebrate Shabbat. Whether you’ve been before or it’s your first time, Shabbat Allegri is a fun and welcoming event for everyone. 

Take a look at our calendar to see when you can come join us. Sign up and make Shabbat extra special!